ماژول آدرس پذیر مدل MDA2Y
Microprocessed algorithmic and addressable device (with short-circuit isolator) installed as another element inside the loop.
Microprocessed algorithmic addressable device (with short-circuit isolator) installed as another element inside the loop.
The module takes the power supply from the loop, but it requires an auxiliary 30 V supply to give the necessary energy to the devices controlled by the relays. It monitors the presence of voltage in the auxiliary supply line of 30 V and in the output of the monitored relays.
The module is protected by 0,9 A resettable fuse and each monitored output by 0,5 A.
The flashing of the transparent red LED indicates communication with the control panel. Illumination of the green LED indicates the actuation of a relay.
It is a module with two relay outputs of independent activation (two functions), not only in their type of application (sounder, switches or crossed relay), but also in their timing and in the combination of sensors that activate them.
In the standby state, the MDA2Y monitors both external line by means of a 33 k? resistance, indicating the state of open line or crossed line.
The device is placed in a rectangular heat-resistant ABS box.
The module is certified according to EN 54-18 Standard, and CE labelled according to the European Regulation of Construction Products (UE) N°305/2011.