کپسول اطفاء حریق آشپزخانه

کپسول اطفاء حریق آشپزخانه
Automatic extinction system for kitchens.
Automatic extinction system for kitchens composed by:
• An automatic detection system based on a fire detection and alarm control panel with extinction function certified according to EN 12094.
• Temperature probes inside the exhaust hood.
• Lock and trigger manual call point.
• Extinction signs.
• Sounders.
• Fire extinguishers of 9l capacity, which supply a pipe net made of stainless steel of Ø15 mm, where are connected until 6 diffuser maximum, pointing to the possible fire origins (stove, plate, fryer, etc) and at least one over the filters, and another in the smoke output, 30 cm inside the pipe).